The first day of school I read "The Name Jar." The Name Jar is written by Yangsook Choi and is a great beginning of the school year story to read to students to help them to be accepting of themselves and others. It is a story about a little girl from Korea and her first day at her new school in America. She is welcomed warmly by her classmates even though her name is different and hard to pronounce. After reading the story, we did several name activities. One of our favorites was making our own name jar book.

Each child wrote about something that they like to do and drew a picture. We then compiled all the pages into a class book. After reading the book together, we took different letter tiles and replaced the first letter in our names. So using letter tile S, Jorge became Sorge, and Nick became Sick. The children had so much fun with this silly game!
You can find this activity and many more name activities
in my store at teachers pay teachers. Have fun!
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